Dating Life Manners and Why You Should Have It

3 min readFeb 15, 2021

Manners maketh a man. Yes, you ought to have manners to everything, including your dating life. People may not realise, what makes a relationship broken (or something friendship), and may lead to rejection, ghosting, bad beef, big argument, and whatever you call it, it’s probably caused by lack of manners. Have manners, this is 2021, prove yourself you’re civilised human being, also, by having manners is also a prove how you treat yourself, including brand image of yourself. Never stay out of fashion about it, be sophisticated, even if you wanna be the rebel bad bitch like Rihanna or whatever, slay it all bitch, what makes them like that is the good attitude of having a CERTAIN manner. Let me explain why.

Being bold and being such as uneducated human are different things. Your lack of manners destroy, your chances in the future, your caring friends, good vibes, and everything. Imagine, you treat people badly caused by your lacking manners, you may lose a good relationship, which sometimes is beneficial to you, no matter how small it is. Even it’s the tiniest benefit you can get, by treating people in good way, you never know how universe brings idiosyncratic magic to your life, and life is full of surprise. That person who you kinda, let’s say, give a very little benefit in present, may return you something really unexpected big thing in the future, just by treating them properly. And it’s a fact, good karma, bad karma. Universe is the karma police. So, what are the bad manners?

Pointing something that is in fashion currently; ghosting. The one of shittiest rejections you may ever have experienced, and maybe, be we all too, haha. This is an opinion of mine, ghosting shouldn’t be normalized at ANY COST AT ALL! Even though, there are some exceptions allowed (or is it?) to do so. Ghosting is disrespectful to the person you ghost and to YOUSELF. It means you actually don’t treat yourself properly, you don’t have certain good attitude towards yourself, although sometimes, on some event ghosting isn’t really a bad choice, such as if someone (like your match on dating app) is really rude. But hey, you can confront them for god’s sake doing a good deed, letting know someone that is not okay at all. Ghosting is an option when someone is just too obstinate to be “lectured” for not doing learning their lessons.

Another bad attitude you shouldn’t have in your dating life is also being temperament and throwing tantrum all the time. There’s a saying partners should fight or not, what y’all are actually doing? Well, to fight is not always screaming, yelling, throwing tantrum, being so aggressive on arguments and stuffs. There are always better ways to do your own fight with everyone, including your partner. I had a discussion with someone that declared they never had a single fight with their partner. I was confused, but later he described why. Probably, their point of view of fighting is different with others’, but that’s okay. You’ll eventually have arguments with your partner one day, but at what cost? How do you deal with it? What’s the outcome? So later, he told me, that they never really argued, they had discussion. He said his relationship was just like an ancient; vintage vase, and how did they keep it stay still, not broken, stayed as it was, beautiful, charming, admirable like the first time. They avoided the arguing things. Or even to argue, they had discussion, to make it right, and I have to admit, YES, discussion is always the way, argument doesn’t always fix. Argument most of the time is always about the winning, not reaching out the solution but when you discuss, you have that certain goal — to solve.

There are so many bad manners you may burst in your relationship and I think I don’t really have to point out one by one, we all have common sense and I believe you’re aware of it, or if you don’t, talk to a counselor, a therapist, or a psychologist. Your bad attitude, your bad manners are not only ruining your love life, but tons of opportunities you might have in the future. We’ll never know what others may bring to you in the future, but when you plant a good seed, you’ll eventually receive a sweet bit, and that’s all how the universe works. That’s all and happy late Valentine’s day, fellas!

Respect for right conduct is felt by everybody” — Jane Austen




Welcome to WHO’REVER by sashimimahal! I talk about sex and love life and modern lifestyle in society here. Whoever, wherever, who’rever.